Completed Races
Pending Races
Unchecked Return Values
Smart contract functions can return unexpected results if their return values are not properly checked before use. This can lead to security vulnerabilities if not handled properly.
Reentrancy can occur anytime an external call is made, only if the callee is known and trusted can this be overlooked. Otherwise, investigate.
Transaction-Ordering Dependence (TOD)
TOD can cause unexpected behavior when the order in which transactions are processed is not the order in which they were mined or broadcast to the network. This is due to the way smart contracts rely on the state of the blockchain at the time of execution.
Timestamp Dependence
Smart contract logic that relies on the timestamp of a block can be vulnerable to manipulation. Timestamp manipulation can cause unexpected behavior in the execution of smart contracts, making it important to validate the time before executing any actions.
Integer Overflow/Underflow
When a calculation results in a value that is outside the range of values that can be stored in the integer data type, an overflow or underflow occurs. This can result in unexpected behavior and security vulnerabilities in smart contracts.
Unchecked Return Values
Smart contract functions can return unexpected results if their return values are not properly checked before use. This can lead to security vulnerabilities if not handled properly.
Reentrancy can occur anytime an external call is made, only if the callee is known and trusted can this be overlooked. Otherwise, investigate.
Transaction-Ordering Dependence (TOD)
TOD can cause unexpected behavior when the order in which transactions are processed is not the order in which they were mined or broadcast to the network. This is due to the way smart contracts rely on the state of the blockchain at the time of execution.
Timestamp Dependence
Smart contract logic that relies on the timestamp of a block can be vulnerable to manipulation. Timestamp manipulation can cause unexpected behavior in the execution of smart contracts, making it important to validate the time before executing any actions.
Integer Overflow/Underflow
When a calculation results in a value that is outside the range of values that can be stored in the integer data type, an overflow or underflow occurs. This can result in unexpected behavior and security vulnerabilities in smart contracts.
Unchecked Return Values
Smart contract functions can return unexpected results if their return values are not properly checked before use. This can lead to security vulnerabilities if not handled properly.